Hydrafacial; ‘BeautyHealth’ Skincare and the incredible benefits for desert dwellers.
When you see the Soulstice Day Spa and Salon Website pull up, You find yourself dazed briefly by their profound glossary of Health, Beauty, Wellness and their purest sense of what it means to be relaxed, maybe discover balance in your center, possibly your whole core being.
A Deeper dive into the history of the Hydrafacial;
It turns out to be one of 3 remarkable treatments from the BeautyHealth Company. It’s noted that they use a patented technology termed ‘Vortex Fusion’ Which is a fancy way for utilizing vacuum technology to Cleanse, Extract, & Hydrate the skin all in one treatment! The other incredible part of this service to note is that; It is extremely customizable! Just as we all have different skin types that have their own requirements, this service
(Especially when booked with our amazing Soulstice providers!) can be custom built to fit your desired results!
I wish I could have the luxury of being completely new to the wonderful world of Hydrfacials as I write this, but I have loved this service for the last 8+ years of receiving the incredible, almost alchemical benefits it’s given. ~As well as a beautiful, clarifying, oceanic moment to drift through the mind. Yum! My favorite!~
As I discovered Trinity would be my dry skin savior, I knew that any skin healed by a Soulstice Esthetician was going to come out looking MUCH healthier, than it had the past few months that were brim full of events, holidays and everything else that makes these colder months a joy to revel in. Trinity is incredibly knowledgeable about her craft and learning more about certain Hydrafacial aspects had me really ecstatic!
So let me paint you through your newly favorite service of bliss; You’ve preselected the treatment you think will drive maximum results. This time I opted for the Clarifying service, which had a lot of serums tailored for acne driven combination/ dry skin.
When you first walk into your room, you’ll notice how calmly quiet the air beholds you, while the dark grey color of laminate stones and porous textiles of the room feels intentionally built to keep you or stir within you a sensation of feeling grounded.
The lovely provider talks through your needs and creates a tailored plan of action in your first moments there. Whether you’re looking to clarify some acne spots or lock in that glassy, hydrated skinned look. Soulstice providers have worked this into their protocols because they want to support that connective piece internally to yourself, which in turn allows your mind to focus on restoring your health and possibly your best sense of self. While they formulate your skin for maximum hydration, you slip into their white towel robes and lie down on the treatment table, which will turn into a warm cloud about 10 minutes later.
I had to remind myself not to relax into the toasty bed as well as soft plush blankets that encompassed my being as deeply as desired during the Hydrafacial. Ultimately, it was a futile response as I still found myself reposed in my own moments of restoration.
-Which is pictured in the video below. (Cue Sleepy Mozart)-
Since I was there to learn, I pushed through to ask my questions and focus on all the interesting factors that truly make this an amazing hour! We chatted about comparing microneedling to chemical peels, and lastly comparing both services to the reputable Hydrafacial. We also briefly covered that the ultimate benefit compared to others is that there's minimal to no recovery time. Like. None. as with other big services.
When you live in Utah, you know that dry air here is a big contributor to a lot of health aspects, therefore you’re forced to find a lot of little ways to stay on top of retaining moisture, especially individually. The chapsticks, extra large water bottles, IV infusions, the list is just as long as the quest.
If you’re ready to take your health, self and skin to new heights of hydration, beauty as well as deep relaxation.
Book your next Hydrafacial with our amazing Soulstice Day Spa Estheticians today!
Until next time,
-Payton Luck